Each year, the cooperative has an annual meeting of the membership. Please plan to attend this year for our 86th Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Event.

Saturday, August 16, 2025

At this year’s meeting, Canadian Valley Electric Cooperative will have two location options:

Wes Watkins Technology Center: 7892 OK-9, Wetumka, OK 74883

Firelake Arena: 18145 Old Rangline Rd. Shawnee, OK. 74801

Both locations will be drive-thru registration ONLY. Once registered, you can attend the business meeting inside. Wes Watkins will have a broadcast of the business meeting from Firelake Arena.


All members who attend and register will receive a $15 Bill Credit, a $20 meal voucher, and a hat!

Members will be entered to win some great prizes!!

Look for your Official Annual Meeting Notice in the mail and bring it with you to speed up the drive-thu ONLY registration process!

Your Official Notice

Please bring your notice with you to make the drive-thru ONLY registration process quicker.

Two Great Locations to Register!

The time has come! CVEC cannot wait to see members at this year's 86th Annual Meeting and Member Appreciation Event! With something fresh and new for members to experience: a more convenient way to register via drive-thru! Join in on all the fun on Saturday, August 16th, at either the Firelake Arena in Shawnee or Wes Watkins Technology Center in Wetumka, with drive-thru registration ONLY starting at 9:30 AM. CVEC is offering fantastic door prizes this year, including bill credits and other exciting options. All registered members are eligible for the $500 district drawings, $1000 bill credit, and door prizes.